Divine Timing


Welcome to gypsyland. Gypsyland is a place where you can go when the clouds appear.

To hear uplifting messages and life provoking epiphanies.

Each week I’ll be talking about a topic of my choice or my fans choice that pique my interest to help those in need in understanding the way the world works.

I’ll have one song that reminds me of the topic that I’ll play in hopes of making you think.


What is divine timing

Divine timing is the meaning that everything including your fate is lined up to your benefit.

It means that it was meant to be and it’s true because everything happens for a reason.

When I met my partner, at first I was enamored by the opportunity to actually talk and rekindle our friendship.

We knew of each other since middle school .

We never spoke or said much to each other.

When our paths did cross while on the school bus, I was held captive with everything that was going on with me as a 16 year old teen living in poverty and working three jobs.

After that actually happened , I decided to move away and join the Navy.

Fast forward 22 years later

I moved back to Columbia South Carolina, my hometown. It has changed and progressed so much. I feel at home here now and I love it.

So it may not have been my time to shine 5 years ago , or when I was a kid. Maybe I was just destined to have a hard life, but in the end , it all will work itself out.

Due to divine timing

Hearing a voice and following your soul and heart.

So my song selection to you all today is going to be one of my favorites .

This one is for everyone that has gone through something in their lives and when you have trouble in believing in yourself .

I was going through a divorce at the time. Needed to take a sabbatical. Honestly didn’t know when I was coming back if ever.

I wrote This back in 2018, while I was living in Mexico. It’s called get up

I hope you enjoy.

Follow me on YouTube my new YouTube channel at blackeneddagger productions.

Dont forget to check out my music anywhere you listen to music at Blackeneddagger for EDM, Marcellus Knicely for pop and blues, or The Black Gypsy For Conscious Rap

My new video on Youtube - Tonight - underneath Blackeneddagger

Or check out some amazing scenery of the places I’ve been to on instagram , Twitter or Facebook at The Black Gypsy or Marcellus Knicely . GYPSYLAND is on Twitch Now @ user name Blackeneddagger.

Check out my music on soundcloud @the black Gypsy or for electronica try blackeneddagger

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